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Basic potions

Small health potion

Basic sickness potion

Basic charm potion

Small healing potion - regenerates some of your health, it will not work on bad wounds, but will get rid of any scratches, headache or small puncture wounds. Your character may learn how to brew one on Year I Semester I

Basic sickness potion - if drunk, the character feels sick and dizzy. May throw up a sparkling rainbow. The best cure is just to lay down. This potion is often used as a prank potion. Your character learns how to make one while interacting with characters that are older than yours.

Basic charm potion - if drunk, the character's charisma increases. It is easier for them to talk with others, make presentations, and so on and so on. Your character may learn how to brew it on Year I Semester II

Basic focus potion

Basic speed 


Basic strenght potion

Advanced potions

Love potion

Potion of invisibility

Basic health potion

Forbidden potions

Strong poison

Transgene potions

Color transpotion

Body transpotion



Allows to change the color palette of your character. You can add new colors to your character, remove them, change their hue, saturation, etc. You can't change the markings and color placements with this potion! You can only change/add/remove one color per use!
RARITY: common

Allows to change the body of your character. You can add new limbs to your character or remove them. You can also tweak existing limbs or body textures. You can change the eyes, ears, wings, tail, etc. or double them. You can also change how big is your character or their posture. You can only change/add/remove one type of body parts per use!
RARITY: common

Allows to change the markings of your character. You can add new markings and color placements to your character or remove them.  You can only change/add/remove one type of marking per use, but you can change the color placements freely. You can not change the colors of your character with this potion! Newly added markings can be any color! You can not remove and reapply any markings just to change their color!

RARITY: common

Effect transpotion

Random effect transpotion

Adds a magic effect to your character. It may be anything unusual like: color-changing eyes, shape-shifting limbs, monster tail, floating halos, floating flames, basically anything unusual. Sometimes this potion may backfire giving your character a "bad" effect like random magic bursts, freezing cold (literally) touch or a weird smell. It may also cause burn marks or scars. It all depends on you! Removing these features is free (no matter if they are good or bad). You can only add one feature per use!

RARITY: very rare (due to being dangerous to use)

Adds a random, defined effect to your character like: feline ears, ram horns, hooves, limb duplicate and many more. The effect is unknown until the potion is drunk. Each time a student brew a transpotion, they have got 2% chance of failing. It results by getting a Random Effect Transpotion. It has got an off coloration, so students can tell there is something wrong with it. They can still drink it to get a random feature. Usually the feature is temporary and disappears after one or two days, but sometimes it is permanent.
RARITY: rare



Allows to change multiple features. It works as 3 combined transpotions. The ones you can choose from are:  color transpotion, body transpotion and markings transpotion. You can mix and match them as you wish. For example - you can use 2 markings transpotions and one body transpotion. Or maybe 3 color transpotions! You can not use effect transpotions as a result of using Super Transpotion.

RARITY: rare

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